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3 easy steps to your first email drip campaign

Email drip campaigns are good for small business. In fact, automated email series get 80 percent higher open rates and triple the click-throughs of single emails, and they generate 80 percent more sales at 33 percent less cost. Despite such convincing statistics, many small businesses do not engage in email automation. The concept of email drip campaigns can seem overwhelming to novice marketers, but in reality it’s not difficult to create an email drip campaign that works. Give your small business a powerful advantage and sell on autopilot.

By definition, an email drip campaign is a series of emails sent at set intervals after a subscriber joins your email list. For example:

  • Email 1 is sent immediately upon subscription
  • Email 2 is sent three days after subscription
  • Email 3 is sent six days after subscription
  • And so on

When you adhere to email drip campaign best practices, each email in the series has value but also builds upon previous emails. The overarching effect is lead nurturing: Your email series takes subscribers on a journey from introduction to purchase. It lends credibility and authority to your company, fosters trust and creates desire for your products and services until subscribers are ready to buy.

The beauty of email drip campaigns is they’re automated. All content is created before you launch your campaign. After that, your email automation software handles the work, which frees time for you to focus on other business growth efforts. Create your content upfront, and you don’t need to come up with a new email every few days to keep subscribers engaged — simply set it and forget it!

For more ways to repurpose your social media content, click here for FULL ARTICLE.

The Golf Ad Network can be your guide to Email Drip Campaigns, and will give you the information you need to expand your following and grow your business with email marketing. Get the easy-to-follow tips and advice you need to join the conversation.

Partner article provided by Vertical Response. October 1, 2019.

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